The Amazing Journey of Hyaluronic Acid: From Discovery to Innovation

The Amazing Journey of Hyaluronic Acid: From Discovery to Innovation


Hyaluronic Acid (HA) is a magical molecule widely used in the fields of beauty and medicine. Its discovery and development process carries the unremitting efforts and technological innovation of scientists. This article will delve into the origins, historical origins and development of hyaluronic acid in the 20th century, revealing the extraordinary journey of this molecule.


Source findings:

The earliest discovery was in 1934, when Karl Meyer, an ophthalmologist at Columbia University, and his assistant John Palmer isolated a high-molecular polysaccharide containing uronic acid and amino sugars from the vitreous body of bovine eyes. This discovery marks the official entry of hyaluronic acid into scientists’ horizons. Since the uronic acid-containing component is extracted from the vitreous body, the substance is named Hyaluronic acid, which is also commonly known as hyaluronic acid. Then within a short period of time from 1948 to 1951, several chemists began to study the structure of hyaluronic acid.

A new era of extraction methods:

In the 1960s, with the advancement of science and technology, researchers began to use tissue extraction methods to produce hyaluronic acid. This process involves extracting hyaluronic acid from animal tissues, but it was expensive and did not receive much attention and application at the time. However, the development of this method has promoted further research on hyaluronic acid in the fields of medicine and biology, laying the foundation for its wide application in the future.

Innovation in fermentation methods:

The real innovation occurred in the 1980s, when Japan’s Shiseido first used fermentation to produce hyaluronic acid. This innovative production method not only improves the purity of hyaluronic acid, but also significantly increases its yield, making it a popular biomaterial. The introduction of fermentation methods has further expanded the application fields of hyaluronic acid, including beauty, medicine and drug delivery systems.

The golden age of beauty and medicine:

As the production technology of hyaluronic acid continues to improve, in the 21st century, it has gradually become a star ingredient in the fields of beauty and medicine. In cosmetics, hyaluronic acid is widely used as a filler to smooth wrinkles and enhance skin elasticity. In medicine, hyaluronic acid is used in areas such as arthritis, eye surgery, and wound healing, showing excellent clinical results.

Sodium Polyglutamate


The historical journey of hyaluronic acid is amazing, from its initial discovery to the development of extraction methods to the introduction of fermentation methods, hyaluronic acid continues to evolve to provide superior solutions to humanity’s cosmetic and medical needs. This wonderful molecule will continue to play a key role in scientific research and medical practice, laying a solid foundation for future innovation and development.


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